There is a great deal that is wrong with this world. Would you like to actually do ‘something’ about it? If so, you are in the right place.



What about COVID?

Are we getting out of this in one piece?

Are we just coping – waiting till it’s all over – or are we creating real change?

Is it changing us or are we making changes because of it?

What will we have and no longer have?

What will happen to retail and hospitality?

What are the impacts on marketing and branding?

How do you help people, move product, or be part of a something larger than yourself from the confines of your own home?

And what of those without homes or home security?

How do we help those of us who are (supposedly) not “like” us…at all?

(No such thing, right?)

We can start by answering those questions here.

Good Interfaces


You have about twenty seconds before a robot or an AI program crowds you out of your job.

Are you part of this decision making?

How are your needs going to be met?

Do you prefer just keeping your head in the sand?

If you would like to influence the “good” interfaces of the future, give us a call.

We see solutions where others see obstacles.

We see inclusion where others draw boundaries.

We see possibility where others see fear.

“Fear” ends here.

Environmental Solutions


If we don’t solve environmental issues now, then when?

How many Greta Thunberg’s do we actually need?

There are solutions, not only with big technologies, but through tinkering and social change.

Everyone can do their part, but those parts must add up to something lasting and meaningful.

So, what are you waiting for?

Pack your toolkit.

Grab your optimism (and some realism,) and start here.

Immigration Rationality


Would it shock you to know that we don’t actually have an immigration problem?

We have a competence and sense of proportion problem.

Issues best addressed on the local and regional level have gone unheeded and are used to fuel national tensions.

Situations that are critical are exacerbated by sheer, unaccountable incompetence.

By doing a little more, especially listening, we can do a lot better.

This is where we begin.

Global. Warming.



The coronavirus tells us a little about two things: one, the best laid plans… and two, what does sustainable look like?

What kind of economy will “sustain” us, help us cope with a biological crisis, and keep us from running off the rails?


How many voices are we hearing?

What is the level and nature of the conversation?

Too many bullies, and shouters, and spoilers for a fight.

We are all in this together, and together, it may get worse, or it may get better.

We’ll just have to see. 

Come see with us.



A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work with a range of brilliant analytical tools that were slightly ahead of their time – financial analysis repurposed for nonprofit use.

The time for them is now.

If you want excellent analysis that can put local, regional, national, and international issues into sharp perspective, please give us a call.

Vision is priceless.

See your way here.

Decision Making


Something else not going extremely well these days.

How are your decisions being made?

Are you reacting or prevailing?

Are you provoking or resolving?


And how good is your information?

You certainly have a lot of it, but is it using you or are you using it?

It’s your choice.

Choose to start a dialog with us.




Goes with speed.

Are we really giving our First Amendment rights to a handful of callow technology companies?

Are we going to reinvent the wheel regarding freedom of speech and the complex nature of censorship?

Are we going to let simplistic propaganda win our hearts and minds, or lead us to live in fear?

Misinformation is remedied by facts.

Are you in or are you out?

Enter here.



Is there any room for a goal beyond the next quarter’s earning?

Are you getting what you need to reach both personal and professional goals?

The resources are available for each.

You just have to know where to find them.

Come set them with us.

Where do you fit in?


We need people who will make the world a better place.

Start by contacting us, here.