Green 3.0

Third time’s the charm? First the 60’s, then the 90’s, now the 20’s: what will it take to get it right?

Most metrics in climate change give us a handful of decades to realize critical improvements. We can see the results of an imbalanced climate in the steady litany of tornados, wildfires, and floods, but they are doing little to get us to change our ways.

We can face extinction as the stupidest species ever, or transform our economies into sustainable means.

The choice is ours, or we can wait for others to make our choices for us, through fear, deprivation, and utter panic. Sound familiar?

Green 3.0 will advocate for positive change.

Join us to help shepherd in a new power grid, create wide-ranging incentives for attaining electric vehicles, and capturing nearly total energy from the sun.

These are the inflection points.

Put your weight behind them and come on board.

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