3 Tenets

There are three things we need to do if we are ever going to get out of this climate mess.

First, admit we are doing nothing. Each and every effort counts, and there are both technologies and heroes out there, but collectively, individually, or otherwise, we are doing nothing about arresting climate change.

Admit it, suck it up, and move on.

Second, all infrastructure must be green.

We aren’t going to achieve a sustainable economy on a fossil fuel infrastructure that promotes fossil fuel growth. This is not going to happen, so stop insulting everyone’s intelligence and build a green infrastructure for a green future.

Lastly, all jobs and materials must transform.

If your job is not guided by sustainability then it is governed by exploitation. That time is over, if we want a sustainable future for our children. Change will be difficult, but the rewards are vast. We just have to value what matters.

If we want to keep our industrialized nations, we will need to change the nature and ingredients of the materials that comprise our products.

They need to become energy efficient and reusable. Products need to become completely recyclable, based on new materials and thoughtful design.

We need an industrial substitute for all things derived from fossil fuel, but we will need to go further, tempering our consumption, in order to get the most from them.

This is a vast change, but the upside is enormous. We need to make room for those who are left out and recognize the value of human contribution, rather than the exploitation of raw labor.

Each new material builds a new world.

3 Tenets will advocate policy along these three paths: acceptance, discovery, and transformation.

—How do we accept and address our lack of urgency or progress?

—How do we discover the ability to create a green infrastructure for a planet that is not yet green?

—How do we transform the essential nature of your job from profit-driven to sustainable, and how do we transition and redefine each and every material we use or consume?

Share these three tenets with everyone.

Then, together, we can reach our goal.

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